Download Fwsnort tutorial knitting

Learn from the world's best knitting instructors when you join Craftsy now. There are dozens of knitting cast-ons to try. Most of us have a favorite for me it's the long-tail that we use fwsnort tutorial knitting practically everything. There are some situations, though, when it's beneficial to have a couple of other cast-ons under your belt, like the crochet cast-on. If you're a crocheter and a knitter, you'll find this cast-on to be a piece of cake. If you've never crocheted, though, don't worry. You don't need serious crochet skills to master this method. The crochet cast on creates a nice, neat braid that looks exactly like your bind-off edge. This is perfect for times when you want all the edges to look the same, like when you're knitting something such as a washcloth fwsnort tutorial knitting when you just want a really neat-looking edge. The crochet cast-on is quick, so it's easier to count. The crochet cast on works just like a provisional cast-onwhich is a temporary cast-on. Fwsnort tutorial knitting you're using the crochet cast-on as a provisional one, be sure to follow the optional step at the end fwsnort tutorial knitting the tutorial to chain a few extra stitches. Just try to use scraps that are a similar weight to the yarn you're using in your project. Tie a slip knot onto the crochet hook, leaving a yarn tail just long enough to weave in later. Hold the crochet hook in your dominant hand. Place the knitting needle on top of the working yarn. As you're wrapping the yarn for the first cast-on stitch, you might want to hold onto the yarn tail, too, or just give it a little tug after you make the first stitch. This ensures the tension is even. Pull the working yarn through the loop that's already on fwsnort tutorial knitting hook from your slip knot. This is your first cast-on stitch. Repeat steps until you have cast on the number of stitches called for, minus 1 stitch. Now let's cast on that final stitch. You'll notice that you still have a loop around your crochet hook. Cut the yarn, then draw the tail through the final chain stitch. Expand your project possibilities with video tutorials for more than 25 cast-ons and bind-offs!

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